Hi, I'm Hargun

A student, aspiring engineer, designer, developer, anime fan, and an avid gamer.
Systems Design Engineer | University of Waterloo

Check out what I've been working on ⬇


Web Application

NLP-based text analysis application that can help you develop and more keep a healthy online presence, avoiding unnecessary drama.

SYDE Profile

SYDE Class of 2026

Give insight and an in-depth look at the SYDE 2026’s 1A term through a website for future and current students.

Garbage Aim

StormHacks 2022

Pick up trash in a 3D environment and learn the harmful effects of ocean pollution and how to make a difference.


Hack the North 2021

A social media web application that helps connect users with similar fitness goals to help in the pandemic.

OYMS Website

Youth Organization

Helped code the Ontario Youth Medical Society (OYMS) website to spread more awareness in the medical field.

Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my work!

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